Ehab Al-Shaer, Jinpeng Wei, Kevin Hamlen, Cliff Wang, “Autonomous Cyber Deception: Reasoning, Adaptive Planning, and Evaluation of HoneyThings”, Springer ISBN 978-3-030-02109-2, 2019. Ehab Al-Shaer and Ashiqur Rahman, “Security and Resiliency Analytics for Smart Grids: Static and Dynamic Approaches”, Springer, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-319-32871, June 2016.
Ehab Al-Shaer, “Automated Firewall Analytics - Design, Configuration and Optimization”. Springer 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-10370-9, pp. 1-127.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Xinming Ou, Geoffrey Xie (Eds.), “Automated Security Management”, September 2013, ISBN 978-3-319-01433-3.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Jorge Lobo, Lalana Kalger (Editors), “Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks”, June 2008, IEEE Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-3133-5.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Heinz-Gerd Hegering, and Alexander Keller (Editors), “Integrated Network Management: Moving From Bits to Business Values”, IEEE Press, May 2007.
Dominique Gaïti, Guy Pujolle, Ehab Al-Shaer, Ken Calvert, Simon Dobson, Guy Leduc and Olli Martikainen (editors), “Autonomic Networking”, Volume 4195 of LNCS. Springer-Verlag, 2006, ISBN: 978-3-540-45891-3
Ehab Al-Shaer, Aiko Pras and Philippe Owezarski (Editors), “Monitoring Internet Traffic and Services”, IEEE ISBN: 0-7803-9249-3, May 2005
Ehab Al-Shaer (Editor), “Monitoring Emerging Network Services”, April 2004
Ehab Al-Shaer and Giovanni Pacifici (Editors), “Management of Multimedia on the Internet”, October 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN 3-540-42786-4
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh, Ehab Al-Shaer, “Automated Cyber Risk Mitigation: Making Informed Cost-Effective Decisions”. Adaptive Autonomous Secure Cyber Systems 2020: 131-157
Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer, “Analytics and Verification of IoT Configurations”, Modeling and Design of Secure Internet of Things, 2019, Springer.
Ehab Al-Shaer and Fida Gilani, “Agile Virtual Infrastructure for Cyber Deception against Stealthy DDoS Attacks”, Cyber Deception, 2016.
Mohamed Alsaleh, Ehab Al-Shaer, “Continues Risk Monitoring and Mitigation”, Autonomous and Adaptive Cyber Defense, 2019, Springer.
Ehab Al-Shaer and Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, “Attribution, Temptation, and Expectation: A Formal Framework for Defense-by-Deception in Cyber Warfare”, Cyber Warfare- Building the Scientific Foundation, Springer, February 2015.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Latif Khan, Salim Ahmed and Mohamed Taibah, “Security Metrics for Risk-aware Automated Policy Management”, N. Agoulmine (editor); Autonomic Network Management Principles from Concepts to Applications, ISBN: 978-0-12-382190-4, Elsevier Academic Press, 2011.
Ehab Al-Shaer, “Firewalls”, Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, Springer 2011
S K Ghosh, Ehab Al-Shaer and P Bera, “Formal Analysis of Policy based Security Configurations in Enterprise Networks”, Critical Infrastructure Monitoring, 2011
Ehab Al-Shaer, “Toward Network Configuration Randomization for Moving Target Defense”, Moving Target Defense: Concepts and Techniques, 2011, Springer
Ehab Al-Shaer, “Reachability Monitoring and Problem Diagnosis in Multicast Networks”, Enterprise Systems Integration, published by Auerbach, To appear in early 2009
Ehab Al-Shaer, Yan Chen,” Integrating Fault and Security Management” in Information Assurance: Survivability and Security in Networked Systems, Edited by David Tipper, Prashant Krishnamurthy, Yi Qian, James B. D. Joshi, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, an imprint of ELSEVIER, Inc. in 2007.
Ehab Al-Shaer, “End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services”, published in Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Sept 2003.
Editing/reviewing various chapters in “The Laws of Cyber-Space” by Ambassador Ahmad Kamal, the Senior Fellow at the United Nations. Published by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNITAR, s2005 (
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, Mohammad Rahman, Md Golam Moula Mehedi Hasan, Ehab Al-Shaer, “A Game-Theoretic Analysis to Defend against Remote Operating System Fingerprinting”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsiever, 2020.
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Amarjit Datta, Ehab Al-Shaer, Security Design against Stealthy Attacks on Power System State Estimation: A Formal Approach, Journal of Computers & Security, Elsevier, 2019
T Kernicky, M Whelan, E Al-Shaer, “Dynamic identification of axial force and boundary restraints in tie rods and cables with uncertainty quantification using Set Inversion via Interval Analysis”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 423, 401-420, 2018.
Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer, Samrat Chatterjee, Mahantesh Halappanavar, and Christopher Oehmen, Proactive Routing Mutation Against Stealthy Distributed Denial of Service Attacks –Metrics, Modeling, and Analysis, Journal of Defense Modeling & Simulation, to appear in December 2017.
Mujahid Mohsin, Zahid Anwar, Farhat Zaman, Ehab Al-Shaer, IoTChecker: A data-driven framework for security analytics of Internet of Things configurations. Computers & Security 70: 199-223, 2017.
Mohammed Alsaleh, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Ghaith Husari, ROI-Driven Cyber Risk Mitigation: Augmenting Host Compliance with Network Configuration, Journal of Network System Management (JNSM), 25(4): 759-783, 2017.
Sara Qamar, Zahid Anwar, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Ehab Al-Shaer, Bei-Tseng Chu, Data-driven analytics for cyber-threat intelligence and information sharing, Computers & Security Journal, vol. 67, Elsevier, July, 2017.
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman and Ehab Al-Shaer, Automated Synthesis of Distributed Network Access Controls: A Formal Framework with Refinement, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDC), Issue 99, June 2016.
Fida Gilani, Ehab Al-Shaer and Basil AsSadhan, Economic Metric To Improve Spam Detectors, Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Elsevier, Volume 65 Issue C, Pages 131-143, April 2016.
Qi Duan, Jafar Haadi Jafarian and Ehab Al-Shaer, An Effective Address Mutation Approach for Disrupting Reconnaissance Attacks, IEEE Transactions on Forensics and Security (TIFFS), Issue: 12, Volume: 10, December 2015.
Muhammad Qasim Ali, Ehab Al-Shaer, Randomization-Based Intrusion Detection System for Advanced Metering Infrastructure.ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), 18(2): 7 (2015).
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Mohamed Shehab, Secure and Private Data Aggregation for Energy Consumption Scheduling in Smart Grids, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Volume PP, Issue 99, June 2015.
Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer, Adel Atawy, A Novel Class of Robust Covert Channels Using Out-of-order Packets,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 14(2):116-129, June 2015.
Soumya Maity, Bera Padmalochan, Soumya K. Ghosh and Ehab Al-Shaer, Formal Integrated Network Security Analysis Tool: Formal Query-based Network Security Configuration Analysis, IET Networks, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Pages:137 – 147, March 2015.
Soumya Maity, Soumya K. Ghosh and Ehab Al-Shaer, PoliCon: Policy Conciliation Framework for Heterogeneous Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,Security and Communication Networks, 8(3): 418-430, Wiley, 2015
Ayesha Binte Ashfaq, Sajjad Rizvi, Mobin Javed, Syed Ali Khayam, Muhammad Qasim Ali, Ehab Al-Shaer, Information Theoretic Feature Space Slicing for Statistical Anomaly Detection. J. Network and Computer Applications 41: 473-487, 2014
Fida Gilani, Mehmet Demirci, Ehab Al-Shaer and Mostafa Ammar, Problem Localization and Quantification Using Formal Evidential Reasoning for Virtual Networks, IEEE Transaction of Network and Service Management, IEEE, Issue: 3, Volume: 11, Number: 14564310, Pages: 307 - 320, ISBN: 1932-4537, June 2014
Muhammad Qasim Ali, Ehab Al-Shaer and Tagrid Samak, Firewall Policy Reconnaissance: Techniques and Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (TIFS), Volume:9, Issue:2, PP.296 –308, Feb. 2014.
Qi Duan and Ehab Al-Shaer, Traffic-Aware Dynamic Firewall Policy Management: Techniques and Applications, IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 51, Number: 7, July 2013
Muhammad Qasim Ali, Ehab Al-Shaer, Hassan Khan and Syed Ali Khayam, “Automated Anomaly Detector Adaptation using Adaptive Threshold Tuning”, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), Volume 15 Issue 4, pp. 17:1--17:30, April 2013.
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Ehab Al-Shaer and Bera Padmalochan , A Noninvasive Security Threat Analyzer for AMI Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume:4 , Issue: 1, pp. 273 – 287, March 2013
Engin Tozal, Yongge Wang, Ehab Al-Shaer, Kamil Sarac, Bhavani Thuraisingham and Bei-Tseng Chu, Adaptive Information Coding for Secure and Reliable Wireless Telesurgery Communications, Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Springer, Volume 18, Issue 5, pp. 697-711, October 2013.
Taghrid Samak and Ehab Al-Shaer, Fuzzy Conflict Analysis for QoS Policy Parameters in DiffServ Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Issue: 4, Volume: 9, Pages: 459 - 472 , December 2012
Yongning Tang, Ehab Al-Shaer and Kaustubh Joshi, Reasoning under Uncertainty in Overlay Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Volume: 9, Number: 1, March
M. Salim Ahmed, Mohamed Taibah, Ehab Al-Shaer and Latif Khan, Objective Risk Evaluation for Automated Security Management, Journal of Network System Management (JNSM), Volume: 19, Number: 3, Pages: 343-366 , December
Khaled Salah, Karim Sattar, Mohammed Sqalli and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Potential Low-Rate DoS Attack Against Network Firewalls, Journal of Security and Communication Networks , Wiley, Issue: 2, Volume: 4, Pages: 136–146, October 2011
Lopamudra Roychoudhuri and Ehab Al-Shaer, Autonomic QoS Optimization of Real-time Internet Audio using Loss Prediction and Stochastic Control, International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS), Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 81-107.
Mohamed Arshad, Syeda Nessa, Latif Khan, Ehab Al-Shaer and Mamoun Awad, Analysis of Firewall Policy Rules Using Traffic Mining Techniques, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT), Volume 5, Issue 1/2, April 2010, Pages 3-22.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Albert G. Greenberg, Charles R. Kalmanek, David A. Maltz, T. S. Eugene Ng and Geoffrey G. Xie, New Frontiers in Internet Network Management, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Issue: 5, Number: 39, Pages: 37-39, July 2009.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Adel El-Atawy and Taghrid Samak, Automated Pseudo-live Testing of Firewall Configuration Enforcement, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Issue: 3, Volume: 27 , April 2009.
Yonghe Yan , Adel El-Atawy and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Game Theoretic Model for Capacity Constrained Fair Bandwidth Allocation, International Journal of Network Management, Volume 18, number 6, pages: 485-504 August 2008
Yongning Tang, Ehab Al-Shaer and Raouf Boutaba, Efficient fault diagnosis using incremental alarm correlation and active investigation for internet and overlay networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Volume 5, Issue 1, page(s): 36-49, March 2008
Hazem Hamed, Adel El-Atawy and Ehab Al-Shaer, On Dynamic Optimization of Packet Matching in High Speed Firewalls. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 24, Issue 10, Oct. 2006 Pages: 1817 - 1830
Hazem Hamed and Ehab Al-Shaer, On Autonomic Optimization of Firewall Policy Configuration, In Journal of High Speed Networks, Special issue on Security Policy Management, Vol. 13, No. 3, August 2006, Pages: 209 - 227
Ehab Al-Shaer and Hazem Hamed, “Taxonomy of Conflicts in Network Security Policies.” In IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 44, Issue 3, March 2006 Pages: 134 - 141.
Ehab Al-Shaer, “QoS Path Monitoring for Multicast Networks.” In Journal of Network and System Management (JNSM), Vol. 10, No. 3, Sept 2002, Pages: 357-381.
Ehab Al-Shaer, “An Adaptive Multicast Management Framework for Distributed Event Correlation.” Journal of Networking and Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2001, Pages: 317-333.
Ehab Al-Shaer, “Toward Integrating IP Multicasting in Internet Network Management Protocols.” Computer and Communications, Vol. 24, No. 6, April 2001, Pages 473-485.
Ehab Al-Shaer, "Active Management Framework for Distributed Multimedia Systems", Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM), Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2000, Pages 49-72.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Mohamed Fayad, Hussein Abdel-Wahab and Kurt Maly, "Adaptive Object-Oriented Filtering Framework for Event Management Applications." ACM Computing Surveys, No. 1, Volume 32, Article No. 37, March 2000.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Hussein Abdel-Wahab and Kurt Maly, "Dynamic Monitoring Approach for Multi-point Multimedia Systems." Journal of Networking and Information Systems, June 1999, Pages: 75-88.
K. Maly, H. Abdel-Wahab, C. M. Overstreet, C. Wild, A. Gupta, A. Youssef, E. Stoica, and E. Al-Shaer, "Interactive Distance Learning over Intranets." IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 1, No 1, Feb. 1997, Pages 60-71.
Peer Reviewed Conference Publications
Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer, J Xie, “Range and Topology Mutation Based Wireless Agility”, Proceedings of the 7th ACM CCS Workshop on Moving Target Defense, Nov 2020.
Moumita Das Purba, Bill Chu and Ehab Al-Shaer, “From Word Embedding to Cyber-Phrase Embedding: Comparison of Processing”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI’20), Nov 2020.
Ehsan Aghaei, Waseem Shadid, Ehab Al-Shaer,” ThreatZoom: Hierarchical Neural Network for CVEs to CWEs Classification”, The 16th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm'20), October 2020.
Md Mazharul Islam, Ehab Al-Shaer, Muhammad Abdul Basit Ur Rahim, “Email Address Mutation for Proactive Deterrence Against Lateral Spear-phishing Attack”, The 16th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm'20), October 2020.
Muhammad Abdul Basit Ur Rahim, Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer, “A Formal Verification of Configuration-based Mutation Techniques for Moving Target Defense”, The 16th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm'20), October 2020.
Md Mazharul Islam, Ehab Al-Shaer, “Active Deception Framework: An Extensible Development Environment for Adaptive Cyber Deception”, IEEE Secure Development (SecDev) 2020.
Md Sajidul Islam Sajid, Jinpeng Wei, Md Rabbi Alam, Ehsan Aghaei, Ehab Al-Shaer, “DodgeTron: Towards Autonomous Cyber Deception Using Dynamic Hybrid Analysis of Malware”. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS’20), June 2020.
Muhammad Abdul Basit Ur Rahim, Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer, “A Formal Analysis of Moving Target Defense”, 44th IEEE Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’20), July 2020.
Adam Dalton, Ehsan Aghaei, Ehab Al-Shaer, Archna Bhatia, Esteban Castillo, Zhuo Cheng, Sreekar Dhaduvai, Qi Duan, Bryanna Hebenstreit, Md. Mazharul Islam, Younes Karimi, Amir Masoumzadeh, Brodie Mather, Sashank Santhanam, Samira Shaikh, Alan Zemel, Tomek Strzalkowski, Bonnie J. Dorr, “Active Defense Against Social Engineering: The Case for Human Language Technology”, Proceedings for International Workshop on Social Threats in Online Conversations: Understanding and Management, European Language Resources Association 2020, May 2020.
Amirreza Niakanlahiji, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Bill Chu, “HoneyBug: Personalized Cyber Deception for Web Applications”, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: Cyber Deception for Defense Minitrack, January 2020.
A. Dutta, E. Al-Shaer, “Cyber Defense Matrix: What, Where and Why Cybersecurity Controls for Optimal Risk Mitigation”, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS’19), Jun 2019.
A Al Farooq, E Al-Shaer, T Moyer, K Kant, “IoTC2: A Formal Method Approach for Detecting Conflicts in Large Scale IoT Systems”, IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM 2019).
G Husari, X Niu, B Chu, E. Al-Shaer, “Using Entropy and Mutual Information to Extract Threat Actions from Cyber Threat Intelligence”, IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2018.
Mohamed Alsaleh, Jinpeng, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “gExtractor: Towards Automated Extraction of Malware Deception Parameters”, ACSAC Workshop on Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop, December 2018.
Amirreza Niakanlahiji, Bei-Tseng Chu and Ehab Al-Shaer, PhishMon: A Machine Learning Framework for Detecting Phishing Webpages, IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2018.
Fida Gillani, E Al-Shaer, Q Duan, “In-design Resilient SDN Control Plane and Elastic Forwarding Against Aggressive DDoS Attacks”, ACM CCS Workshop on Moving Target Defense, 80-89, October 2018.
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh, Ehab Al-Shaer, Qi Duan, “Verifying the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Network Lateral Movement Resistance Techniques”, SECRYPT, July 2018.
M Ahmed, J Wei, Y Wang, E Al-Shaer, “A Poisoning Attack Against Cryptocurrency Mining Pools”, Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology, 140-154, 2018. Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer, Mazhar Islam and H. Jafarian, “CONCEAL: A Strategy Composition for Resilient Cyber Deception-- Framework, Metrics and Deployment”, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS’18), May 2018
S. Das Bhattacharjee, A. Talukder, E. Al-Shaer and P. Doshi, "Prioritized active learning for malicious URL detection using weighted text-based features," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), Beijing, 2017, pp. 107-112.
Morgan Burcham, Mahran Al-Zyoud, Jeffrey C. Carver, Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh, Hongying Du, Fida Gillani, Jun Jiang, Akond Rahman, Özgür Kafali, Ehab Al-Shaer, Laurie A. Williams, “Characterizing Scientific Reporting in Security Literature: An analysis of ACM CCS and IEEE S&P Papers”. HotSoS 2017: 13-23.
Amirreza Niakanlahiji, Mir Mehedi, Pritom, Bei-Tseng Chu and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Predicting Zero-day Malicious IP Addresses”, ACM CCS Workshop on Applying the Scientific Method to Active Cyber Defense Research
Jafar Haadi Jafarian, Amirreza Niakanlahiji, Ehab Al-Shaer, Qi Duan, “Multi-dimensional Host Identity Anonymization for Defeating Skilled Attackers, “MTD '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense (MTD '16), October 2016.
Usman Rauf, Fida Gillani, Ehab Al-Shaer, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Samrat Chatterjee, Christopher Oehmen, “Formal Approach for Resilient Reachability based on End-System Route Agility,” Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense (MTD '16), October 2016.
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh, Ghaith Husari and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Optimizing the RoI of Cyber Risk Mitigation”, 12th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2016), November 2016.
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Towards Automated Verification of Active Cyber Defense Strategies on Software Defined Networks”, 2016 ACM Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense (SafeConfig 2016), October 2016.
Spike E. Dog, Alex Tweed, LeRoy Rouse, Bill Chu, Qi Duan, Yueqi Hu, Jing Yang and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Strategic Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing: A Case Study of IDS Logs,” 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2016), August 2016
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Abdullah Al Farooq, Amarjit Datta, Ehab Al-Shaer, “Automated Synthesis of Resiliency Configurations for Cyber Networks,” IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS’16), 17-19 October 2016, Philadelphia, PA USA.
Mujahid Mohsin, Zahid Anwar, Ghaith Husari, Ehab Al-Shaer, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, “IoTSAT: A Formal Framework for Security Analysis of the Internet of Things”, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS’16), 17-19 October 2016, Philadelphia, PA USA.
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Formal Analysis for Dependable Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition in Smart Grids”, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’16), June 2016
Tim Kernicky, Matthew Whelan, Usman Rauf and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Damage Detection In a Laboratory Model Using a Nonlinear Constraint Satisfaction Processor For Finite Element Model Updating”, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2015): System Reliability for Verification and Implementation, December 2015
Yasir Imtiaz Khan and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Property based model checking of evolving Petri nets”, ICSEA 2015: The Tenth International conference on software engineering advances, Pages: 6, November 2015
Yasir Khan, Ehab Al-Shaer, Usman Rauf, “Cyber Resilience-by-Construction: Modeling, Measuring & Verifying”, ACM CCS Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense (SafeConfig '15), 2015.
Mohamed Ali, Aisha Binte Ashfaq, Ehab Al-Shaer, Qi Duan, “Towards a Science of Anomaly Detection System Evasion”, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 (~24% acceptance rate).
Haadi Jafarian, Qi Duan and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Adversary-aware IP Address Randomization for Proactive Agility against Sophisticated Attackers”, IEEE INFOCOM 2015 (19% acceptance rate).
Fida Gilani, Ehab Al-Shaer, Samantha Lo, Qi Duan, Mostafa Ammar and Ellen W. Zegura, Agile Virtualized Infrastructure to Proactively Defend Against Cyber Attacks, IEEE INFOCOM 2015 (19% acceptance rate)
Tim Kernicky, Matthew Whelan, Usman Rauf, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Damage detection in a laboratory model using a nonlinear constraint satisfaction processor for finite element model updating”, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2015): System Reliability for Verification and Implementation, 2015.
Usman Rauf, U., Kernicky, T., Whelan, M. J. and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Formal analysis of critical Infrastructures by structural identification”, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer New York LLC, Vol. 2, p. 255-263, 2015.
Usman Rauf, Tim Kernicky, Matthew Whelan, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Formal Analysis of Critical Infrastructures by Structural Identification using Constraint Programming Paradigm”, Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC: A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2015
Fida Gilani and Ehab Al-Shaer, Improving Efficiency of Spam Detection using Economic Model, Cyber Security Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig), ACM, Arizona, USA, November 2014 (~30% acceptance rate)
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Rakesh Bobba and Ehab Al-Shaer, Moving Target Defense for Hardening the Security of the Power System State Estimation, ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense (MTD 2014) in conjunction with the 21st ACM CCS, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, November 2014 (~25% acceptance rate)
Jafar Haadi H. Jafarian, Ehab Al-Shaer, Qi Duan, “Spatial-temporal Address Mutation for Proactive Cyber Agility against Sophisticated Attackers”, ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense (MTD’14), in conjunction with the 21st ACM CCS, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, November 2014 (~25% acceptance rate).
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh and Ehab Al-Shaer, Enterprise Risk Assessment Based on Compliance Reports and Vulnerability Scoring Systems, ACM Workshop on Cyber Security Analytics, Intelligence and Automation (SafeConfig), November 2014 (~30% acceptance rate)
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh and Ehab Al-Shaer, Security Configuration Analytics Using Video Games, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2014 (23% acceptance rate)
Muhammad Qasim Ali, Reza Yousefian, Ehab Al-Shaer, Sukumar Kamalasadan, Quanyan Zhu, Two-tier Data-driven Intrusion Detection for Automatic Generation Control in Smart Grid. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2014 (23% acceptance rate)
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Ehab Al-Shaer and Rajesh G. Kavasseri, Impact Analysis of Topology Poisoning Attacks on Economic Operation of the Smart Power Grid, The 34th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Number: Madrid, Spain, July 2014 (12% acceptance rate)
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Ehab Al-Shaer and Rajesh G. Kavasseri, Security Threat Analytics and Countermeasure Synthesis for Power System State Estimation, The 44th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2014 (20% acceptance rate)
Mohammad Rahman, Ehab Al-Shaer and Rajesh Kavasseri, Formal Model of the Impact of Stealthy Attacks on Optimal Power Flow in Power Grids, ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2014 (24% acceptance rate).
S.K. Majhi, P. Bera, S. Kumar, Ehab Al-Shaer, M. Satpathy, “Synthesizing Optimal Security Configurations for Enterprise Networks: a Formal Approach”, 9th IET International Conference on System Safety and Cyber Security, 2014.
Muhammad Qasim Ali and Ehab Al-Shaer, Configuration-based IDS for Advanced Metering Infrastructure, ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Germany, November 2013 (acceptance rate 18%).
Muhammad Qasim Ali and Ehab Al-Shaer, Probabilistic Model Checking for AMI Intrusion Detection, IEEE SmartGridComm, Vancouver, Canada, October 2013.
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh, Saeed Al-Haj and Ehab Al-Shaer, Objective Metrics for Firewall Security: A Holistic View, IEEE Symposium on Security Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig), October 2013.
Saeed Al-Haj and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Formal Approach for Virtual Machine Migration Planning, IEEE International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2013), October 2013.
Muhammad Qasim Ali, Ehab Al-Shaer and Qi Duan, Randomizing AMI Configuration for Proactive Defense in Smart Grid, IEEE SmartGridComm, Vancouver, Canada, October 2013.
Qi Duan, Ehab Al-Shaer and Jafar Haadi Jafarian, Efficient Random Route Mutation Considering Flow and Network Constraints, IEEE Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2013.
Mehmet Demirci, Fida Gilani, Mostafa Ammar and Ehab Al-Shaer, Overlay Network Placement for Diagnosability, IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, USA, December 2013.
Haadi Jafarian, Ehab Al-Shaer and Qi Duan, Formal Approach for Route Agility Against Persistent Attackers, The 18th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), September 2013 (acceptance rate 15%).
Ashiqur Rahman, Fadi Mohsen and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Formal Model for Sustainable Vehicle-to-Grid Management, Smart Energy Grid Security Workshop (SEGS), Co-located with CCS, ACM, November 2013.
Ashiqur Rahman, M. Manshaei and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Game-Theoretic Approach for Deceiving Remote Operating System Fingerprinting, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2013.
Ashiqur Rahman and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Formal Framework for Network Security Design Synthesis, In the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’13), July 2013 (Acceptance rate 12%).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Qi Duan, S. Al-Haj and M. Youssef, “SensorChecker: Reachability Verification in Mission-oriented Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the second ACM Annual International Workshop on Mission-oriented Wireless Sensor Networking(MiSeNet'13), 2013.
Mohammad Rahman and Ehab Al-Shaer, ConfigSynth: A Formal Framework for Optimal Network Security Design, NDSS 2013 (Short Paper).
Saeed Al-Haj, Ehab Al-Shaer and HariGovind Ramasamy, Security-Aware Resource Allocation in Clouds, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2013), June 2013.
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman and Ehab Al-Shaer, Energy Efficient Navigation Management for Hybrid Electric Vehicles on Highways, ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2013 (22% acceptance rate)
Ashiqur Rahman and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Formal Approach for Network Security Management Based on Qualitative Risk Analysis, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), 2013.
Ashiqur Rahman and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Declarative Logic-based Approach for Threat Analysis of Advanced Metering Infrastructure, 5th Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SAFECONFIG), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 2012.
Qi Duan, Saeed Al-Haj and Ehab Al-Shaer, Provable Configuration Planning for Wireless Sensor Networks, 8th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2012), October 2012.
Fida Gilani, Ehab Al-Shaer, Mostafa Ammar and Mehmet Demirci, Fine-Grain Diagnosis of Overlay Performance Anomalies Using End-Point Network Experiences, 8th International Conference on Network and Service Management, October 2012, (Acceptance Rate: 14.5%- nominated best paper award).
Mohammed Alsaleh, Ehab Al-Shaer and Adel El-Atawy, Towards A Unified Modeling and Verification of Network and System Security Configurations, 5th Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SAFECONFIG), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 2012.
Ehab Al-Shaer, Qi Duan and Jafar Haadi Jafarian, Random Host Mutation for Moving Target Defense, 8th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, September 2012.
Mohamed Shehab , Saeed Al-Haj, Sail Bhagurkar and Ehab Al-Shaer, Anomaly Discovery and Resolution in MySQL Access Control Policies, 23rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2012, Vienna-Austria, September 2012.
Jafar Haadi Jafarian, Ehab Al-Shaer and Qi Duan, OpenFlow Random Host Mutation: Transparent Moving Target Defense using Software Defined Networking, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN), ACM, August 2012.
Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Libin Bai, Mohamed Shehab and Ehab Al-Shaer, Secure Distributed Solution for Optimal Energy Consumption Scheduling in Smart Grid, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-12), Liverpool, UK, June 2012.
Fida Gilani, Ehab Al-Shaer, Sardar Ali and Syed Ali Khayam, Monetizing Spambot Activity and Understanding its Relation with Spambot Traffic Features, ACM ASIA CCS, May 2012.
Tung Tran, Ehab Al-Shaer, Issam Aib and Raouf Boutaba, An Evasive Attack on SNORT Flowbits , The 13th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2012), IEEE, Maui, Hawaii, USA, April 2012.
Mohamed Amezziane, Ehab Al-Shaer and Muhammad Qasim Ali, On Stochastic Risk Ordering of Network Services for Proactive Security Management, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS Mini Conference 2012.
Ashiq Rahman, Ehab Al-Shaer, Bera Padmalochan, SmartAnalyzer: A Noninvasive Security Threat Analyzer for AMI Smart Grid, IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, FL, March 2012. (Acceptance rate 17%).
Tung Tran, Ehab Al-Shaer, Issam Aib and Raouf Boutaba, An Evasive Attack on SNORT Flowbits , The 13th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2012), IEEE, Maui, Hawaii, USA, April 2012.
Bin Zhang, and Ehab Al-Shaer, On Synthesizing Distributed Filtering Configuration Considering Risk, Usability and Cost Constraints, IEEE International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2011), Paris, France. , October 2011, (Acceptance rate 15%).
Saeed Al-Haj and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Measuring Firewall Security”, IEEE Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig’11).
Mohamed Alsaleh and Ehab Al-Shaer, “SCAP Based Configuration Analytics for Comprehensive Compliance Checking”, IEEE Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig’11).
Saeed Al-Haj, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “ConfigLEGO: An Imperative Framework for Network Security Configurations Evaluation and Diagnosis”, SecureComm 2011.
Taghrid Samak , Adel El-Atawy and Ehab Al-Shaer, QoS Policy Verification for DiffServ Networks, IEEE 19th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2011), IEEE, June 2011.
Engin Tozal, Yongge Wang, Ehab Al-Shaer, Kamil Sarac, Bhavani Thuraisingham and Bei-Tseng Chu, “On Secure and Resilient Telesurgery Communications over Unreliable Networks”, INFOCOM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Networking Systems, 2011.
Ashiq Rahman, Ehab Al-Shaer, “A Declarative Approach for Modeling and Verification of Network Access Control Policies”, EEE Int. Symposium on Integrated Management 2011, May 2011.
Ehab Al-Shaer and Saeed Al-Haj, “FlowChecker: Configuration Verification of Federated OpenFlow Infrastructure”, ACM CCS Workshop on Assurable & Usable Security Configuration (SafeConfig’10), October 2010 (28% acceptance rate).
Ehab Al-Shaer, “Toward Network Configuration Randomization for Moving Target Defense”, ARO Workshop on Moving Target Defense (invited paper).
Taghrid Samak and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Synthetic Security Policy Generation via Network Traffic Clustering”, ACM CCS Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AISec’10), October 2010.
Bin Zhang and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Towards Automatic Creation of Usable Security”, IEEE INFOCOM 2010 Miniconference, April 2010. (17% acceptance rate).
Taghrid Samak, Adel El-Atawy, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Towards Network Security Policy Generation for Configuration Analysis and Testing”, ACM CCS Workshop on Assurable & Usable Security Configuration (SafeConfig’ 09), November 2009 (30% acceptance rate).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Will Marrero, Adel El-Atawy and Khalid Al-Badawi, “Network Security Configuration in A Box: End-to-End Security Configuration Verification “, IEEE International Conference in Network Protocols (ICNP’ 09), October, 2009 (18% acceptance rate).
Yongning Tang and Ehab Al-Shaer, Sharing End-user Negative Symptoms for Improving Overlay Network Dependability, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2009.
Yongning Tang and Ehab Al-Shaer, Community-based Fault Diagnosis Using Incremental Belief Revision, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage, July 2009 (25% acceptance rate)
Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer, Tung Tran and Raouf Boutaba, Adaptive Early Packet Filtering for Protecting Firewalls against DoS Attacks, IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Brazil, April 2009 (19% acceptance rate).
Adel El-Atawy and Ehab Al-Shaer, Building Covert Channels over the Packet Reordering Phenomenon, IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Brazil, April 2009 (19% acceptance rate).
Yongning Tang, Ehab Al-Shaer, “Reasoning about Uncertainty for Overlay Fault Diagnosis Based on End-User Observations”, IEEE INFOCOM 2009 Miniconference, Brazil, April 2009 (19% acceptance rate).
Khalid Elbadawi and Ehab Al-Shaer, TimeVM: A Framework for Online Intrusion Mitigation and Fast Recovery Using Multi-Time-Lag Traffic Replay, ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'09), Australia , March 2009 (20% acceptance rate)
Kyle Smith , Ehab Al-Shaer and Khalid Elbadawi, Information Theoretic Approach for Characterizing Spam Botnets Based on Traffic Properties, ICC 2009 Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, June 2009 (24% acceptance rate).
Bin Zhang and Ehab Al-Shaer, On Optimizing Event Correlation Structure of Event Services Considering Time and Capacity Constrains, the 11th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2009), NY, June 2009 (25% acceptance rate).
Anh Le, Ehab Al-Shaer and Raouf Boutaba, Correlation-based Load Balancing for Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, ACM International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (ACM SecureComm 2008), September 2008 (25% acceptance rate, Tier-2)
Taghrid Samak, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Hong Li, "QoS Policy Modeling and Conflict Analysis", the 9th International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (Best Paper Award Policy 2008), Palisades, NY, USA. June 2008 (acceptance Rate 25%)
Ehab Al-Shaer, Latif Khan, and M. Salim Ahmed, "A Comprehensive Objective Network Security Metric Framework for Proactive Security Configuration", ACM Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, May 2008 (acceptance Rate 30%)
Yongning Tang and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Towards Distributed & Collaborative Overlay Fault Diagnosis Based On User-level Belief Revision”, INFOCOM 2008 MiniConference, April 2008, (acceptance Rate 20%, Tier-1)
Mohamed Salim, Ehab Al-Shaer and Latifur Khan, “A Novel Quantitative Approach For Measuring Network Security”, INFOCOM 2008 MiniConference, April 2008, (acceptance Rate 20%, Tier-1)
Mohamed Salim, Ehab Al-Shaer, Mohamed Taibah, Mohamed Arshad and Latifur Khan, “Towards Autonomic Risk-aware Security Configuration”, Accepted in the 11th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008), April 2008 (acceptance Rate 29%, Tier-2).
Khalid Alsubhi, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Raouf Boutaba, “Alert prioritization in Intrusion Detection Systems”, in the 11th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008), April 2008. (Acceptance rate 29%)
Lopa Roychoudhuri, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Autonomic QoS Optimization of Real-time Internet Audio using Loss Prediction and Stochastic Control”, Accepted in the 11th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008), April 2008. (Acceptance rate 29%)
Khalid Salah, K. Sattar, Mohamed Sqalli, and Ehab Al-Shaer, A Probing Technique for Discovering Last-Matching Rules of a Network Firewall, International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, December 2008.
Yongning Tang, Ehab Al-Shaer, Bin Zhang, “Toward Globally Optimal Event Monitoring & Aggregation for Large-scale Overlay Networks”. IEEE Integrated Network Management 2007 (IM 2007), pp. 236-245, May 2007. (Acceptance Rate 27%)
Bin Zhang, and Ehab Al-Shaer, "Self-Organizing Monitoring Agents for Hierarchical Monitoring Architecture", In the 18th IFIP/IEEE Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2007), Oct. 2007. (Acceptance Rate 30%)
Tung Tran, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Raouf Boutaba "PolicyVis: Firewall Security Policy Visualization and Inspection", In USENIX LISA, Dallas, Texas, November 2007. (Acceptance rate?)
Jerome Francois, Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Raouf Boutaba, "A Collaborative Approach for Proactive Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks", In the Workshop on Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation (MonAM 2007), Toulouse, France, November 2007. (Acceptance rate 30%)
Taghrid Samak, Adel El-Atawy, and Ehab Al-Shaer, "FireCracker: A Framework for Inferring Firewall Policy using Smart Probing", In the Proceedings of the fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'07), Beijing, China, October 2007. (Acceptance rate 14%, Tier-1)
Bin Zhang, Ehab Al-Shaer, Radha Jagadeesan, James Riely, Corin Pitcher, "Specifications of a High-level Conflict-Free Firewall Policy Language for Multi-domain Networks", In Proceedings of 12th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models And Technologies (SACMAT), Sophia Antipolis, France, June, 2007 (Acceptance rate 23%)
Adel El-Atawy, Taghrid Samak, Zein Wali, Ehab Al-Shaer, Sheng Li, Frank Lin, and Christopher Pham, "An Automated Framework for Validating Firewall Policy Enforcement", In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY'07), Bologna, Italy, June 13-15, 2007. (Acceptance Rate 25%)
Taghrid Samak, Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Mohamed Ismail, "A Novel Visualization Approach for Efficient Network-wide Traffic Monitoring", In the 5th IEEE Workshop on End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services (E2EMON'07, In conjunction with IM 2007), Munich, Germany, May 2007.
Adel El-Atawy, Taghrid Samak, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Hong Li "On Using Online Traffic Statistical Matching for Optimizing Packet Filtering Performance", In IEEE INFOCOM'2007, May 2007 (Acceptance rate 17%)
Yonghe Yan, Adel El-Atawy and Ehab Al-Shaer "Ranking-based Optimal Resource Allocation in Peer-to-Peer Networks", In IEEE INFOCOM'2007, May 2007 (Acceptance rate 17%)
Taghrid Samak, Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer, Hong Li " Firewall Policy Reconstruction by Active Probing An Attacker's View ", The 2nd Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec 2006), Nov. 12, 2006 (Acceptance rate 30%)
Muhammad Abedin, Syeda Nessa, Ehab Al-Shaer and Latifur Khan " Vulnerability Analysis For Evaluating Quality of Protection of Security Policies ", ACM CCS Workshop on Quality of Protection Workshop (QoP 06) , Oct. 30, 2006 (Acceptance rate 20%)
Mohamed Taibah, Ehab Al-Shaer, Raouf Boutaba " An Architecture for an Email Worm Prevention System ", The Second IEEE/Create-Net International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2006), Baltimore, MD, Aug. 28, 2006 (Acceptance rate 23%)
Mohammad Masud, Latif Khan and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Email Worm Detection Using Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine”, Proc. of Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 2006), Springer, San Diego, May 2006
Hazem Hamed and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Dynamic Rule-ordering Optimization for High-speed Firewall Filtering”, ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'06), March 2006 (Acceptance rate 16%, Teir-1/2)
Lopa Roychoudhuri and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Statistical Measurement Approach for On-line Audio Quality Assessment.” In Passive and Active Measurement (PAM’06), March 2006 (Acceptance rate 23%)
Ehab Al-Shaer and Bin Zhang, “Adaptive Self-organized Agents for Hierarchical Monitoring.” In IEEE End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services (E2EMON’06), April 2006. (Acceptance rate 30%)
Yonghe Yan, Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer, "Fair Bandwidth Allocation Under User Capacity Constraints", In the 10th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2006), April 2006. (Acceptance rate 27%)
Korosh Golnabi, Richard Min, Latifur Khan, Ehab Al-Shaer, " Analysis of Firewall Policy Rule Using Data Mining Techniques", In the 10th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2006), April 2006. (Acceptance rate 27%)
Hazem Hamed, Adel El-Atawy and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Adaptive Statistical Optimization Techniques for Firewall Packet Filtering.” In IEEE INFOCOM'2006, April 2006. (Acceptance rate 16%, Teir-1)
Hazem Hamed, Ehab Al-Shaer and Will Marrero, “Modeling and Verification of IPSec and VPN Security Policies.” In IEEE ICNP'2005, November 2005. (Acceptance rate 17%, Teir-1)
Adel El-Atawy, Khaled Ibrahim, Hazem Hamed and Ehab Al-Shaer, "Policy Segmentation for Intelligent Firewall Testing”. The 1st Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec 2005), November 2005. (Acceptance rate ~22%)
Lopamudra Roychoudhuri and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Real-time Audio Quality Evaluation for Adaptive Multimedia Protocols”. In the Proceedings of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS 2005), October 24-26, 2005. (Acceptance rate ~30%).
Yongning Tang, Ehab S. Al-Shaer, Raouf Boutaba, “Active Integrated Fault Localization in Communication Networks” IEEE/IFIP Integrated Network Management (IM'2005), May 2005. (Acceptance rate 23.5%).
Ehab Al-Shaer and Bin Zhang, "HiFi+: A Monitoring Virtual Machine for Autonomic Distributed Management”, the 15th IFIP/IEEE Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, November, 2004. (Acceptance rate 22%).
Lopa Roychoudhuri, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “On Packet Loss Prediction for Real-time Packet Audio”, IEEE/IFIP Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS’04), October 2004 (BEST PAPER AWARD)(acceptance rate 30%).
Lopa Roychoudhuri, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Adaptive Rate Control for Real-time Packet Audio Based on Loss Prediction”, IEEE GLOBECOM’04, December 2004 (acceptance rate 33%).
Ehab Al-Shaer and Hazem Hamed, “Anomaly Discovery in Distributed Firewalls”, IEEE INFOCOM, Honk Kong, March 2004 (Acceptance rate 16 %, Teir-1
Ehab Al-Shaer and Yongning Tang, “MRMON: Multicast Remote Monitoring”, In IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS’2004), Seoul, South Korea, April 2004 (acceptance rate 26%)
Mohamed Younis, Poonam Munshi, and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Architecture for Efficient Monitoring and Management of Sensor Networks”, Workshop on End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services, In IEEE/IFIP Management of Multimedia Networks and Services Proceedings, September 2003. (Acceptance rate 25%)
Ehab Al-Shaer and Hazem Hamed, “Firewall Policy Advisor for Anomaly Detection and Rule Editing”, IEEE/IFIP Integrated Network Management IM'2003, March 2003(Best Student Paper Award) (acceptance rate 24%).
Lopa Roychoudhuri, Ehab Al-Shaer, Hazem Hamed and Greg Brewster, “Audio Transmission over the Internet: Experiments and Observations”, IEEE ICC’03, Symposium on the Next Generation Internet, May 2003. (Acceptance rate 16 %, Teir-2)
Ehab Al-Shaer and Hazem Hamed, “Management and Translation of Filtering Security Polices”, IEEE ICC’03, May 2003. (Acceptance rate 25 %, Teir-2).
Lopa Roychoudhuri, Ehab Al-Shaer, Hazem Hamed and Greg Brewster, “On Studying the Impact of the Internet Delays on Audio Transmission”, IEEE Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM’02), October, 2002.
Ehab Al-Shaer and Yongning Tang, “SMRM: SNMP-based Multicast Reachability Monitoring”, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium NOMS’2002, April 2002 (acceptance rate 29%)
Ehab Al-Shaer, "A Dynamic Group Management for Large-scale Distributed Event Monitoring", IEEE/IFIP Integrated Network Management IM'2001, May 2001 (acceptance rate 30%, Teir-2)
Salah Aly and Ehab Al-Shaer, "A Light-weight Encrypting Real Time Video Transmission", CTI Symposium, School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems, DePaul University, September 2003. (Acceptance rate 40%
Ehab Al-Shaer and Yongning Tang, "Integrating IP Multicast in SNMPv1", IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Managing Multimedia Networks and Services, Fortalza, Brazil, September 2000. (Acceptance rate 40%)
Ehab Al-Shaer, “The Role of Group Communication in Supporting Efficient Distributed Event Correlation”, Networking 2000, Multimedia Miniconference, Paris, France, May 2000. (Acceptance rate 30 %, Teir-2).
Ehab Al-Shaer, "Programmable Agents for Active Distributed Monitoring", IFIP/IEEE 10th International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operation & Management (DSOM'99), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 19-33, Zurich, Switzerland, Oct. 1999. (Acceptance rate 30 %).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Hussein Abdel-Wahab and Kurt Maly, "HiFi: A New Monitoring Architecture for Distributed Systems Management", IEEE 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'99), pp. 171-178, Austin, Texas, May 1999. (Acceptance rate 18%, Teir-1).
Ehab Al-Shaer, “Dynamic Monitoring Approach for Multi-point Multimedia Systems," IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, Versailles, France, November 1998. (Acceptance rate 30 %).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Hussein Abdel-Wahab and Kurt Maly, "Hierarchical Filtering-based Monitoring Architecture for Large-scale Distributed Systems," International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 1997. (Acceptance rate 30 %).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Hussein Abdel-Wahab and Kurt Maly," Application-Layer Group Communication Server for Extending Reliable Multicast Protocols Services," IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, Atlanta, GA, Oct. 1997. (Acceptance rate 27%, Teir-1).
Ehab Al-Shaer, "Event Filtering Framework: Key Criteria and Design Trade-offs," The 21st IEEE International Conference on Computer Software and Applications, pages 88-93, Washington, D.C., August 1997. (Acceptance rate 22 %).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Hussein Abdel-Wahab and Kurt Maly, "A Scalable Monitoring Architecture for Managing Distributed Multimedia Systems," IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, Montreal, CA, July 1997. (Acceptance rate 26 %).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Alaa Youssef, Hussein Abdel-Wahab, Kurt Maly, and C. Michael Overstreet, "Reliability, Scalability and Robustness Issues in IRI," WETICE'97: IEEE 6th Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, June 1997. (Acceptance rate 30 %).
Ehab Al-Shaer, Hussein Abdel-Wahab and Kurt Maly," High-performance Monitoring Architecture for Large-scale Distributed Systems Using Event Filtering," international Conference on Computer Science & Information, Vol. 3, pp. 42-46, March 1996. (Acceptance rate 30%).
D. Schmidt, Tim Harrison and Ehab Al-Shaer, “Object-Oriented Components for High-speed Network Programming”, Proceedings of Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies, USENIX, Monterey, CA, June, 1995.