Real-Time Detection and Mitigation of Low and Slow DDoS Attacks - UNCC
Project Objectives:
Project Activities:
- Identify features with statistical or information-theoretical significance for attack detection.
- Use multi-dimensional Spatial, Temporal and Behavior analysis that correlate both network and application-specific features, develops a data-driven prototype for application-level L&S attack detection and evaluates the results using real web log data from CCAA Members
- Develop methods to differentiate normal and botnet distribution, ranking ISPs and Internet neighborhood.
- Simulate attack scenarios to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the detectors.
Project Findings:
Spatial Detectors
Spatial Detectors
For a specific time and preference, the distribution of location is skewed (small of locations access by/in majority of
preference/ time) |
The rate of Increase (over time) of new users is constant and low in each Geo -locations
DDoS Bots are usually comes from Geo concentrated areas but not IPs
Temporal/Resource Detectors
For a specific time and location, the distribution of the preference is skewed (small preferences are accessed by/in majority of locations/communities or in specific time)
The distribution of the response size is skewed (small number of sizes are used by/ during the majority of locations or time )
Session Behavior Detector (based on Markovian Analysis)
Normal user behavior (preference, inter-arrival) of next request is mostly predictable with low MC order.
Temporal logic based rules can be efficiently used for early detection of this attack.